    Yueyang Baling Huaxing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in chemical products: TPR, TPE, TVA, SBS, SIS, SEBS, various brands of slurry, solvent oil, fuel oil, diluent, various types of epoxy resin, special resin, 30% and 50% diaphragm caustic soda, ionic membrane caustic soda, chloropropylene, epichlorohydrin, propylene oxide, synthetic hydrochloric acid, cyclohexane, caprolactam, methane. Cyclohexane, cyclohexanol, etc. Petrochemical equipment ac...[More]
    Yueyang Baling Huaxing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
    Tel: 0730-8822186
    Fax: 0730-8422075 Mobile Phone: 13637305966
    Mailbox: blhxing@163.com
    Postal Code: 414000
    Address: Room 702.703 of Lingji International Trade Bonded Logistics Center, Yueyang City, Hunan Province
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    Baling petrochemical liquid epoxy resin quality improvement by customers Baling petrochemical liquid epoxy resin quality improve...
    The petrochemical epoxy resin business department manages the process parameters 24/7, supervises the production site operation in the whole process, continuously improves the color and quality of the liquid epoxy resin products, and the product quality is highly praised by the customers who have strict requirements on the color and quality of the products in the industries of handicraft glue and LED. At present, the division produces more than 100 tons of liquid epoxy resin.
    Sinopec reports 2018 results, net profit growth of more than 20%! Sinopec reports 2018 results, net profit growth of more...
    On March 25, sinopec announced its 2018 annual results in Hong Kong. According to the international financial reporting standards, the company realized a turnover and other operating income of 2.89 trillion yuan, and the profit attributable to shareholders of the company was 61.6 billion yuan, up 20.2% year on year, with a profit of 0.509 yuan per share.Under Chinese accounting rules, operating profit was 101.5 billion yuan, up 16.7% from a year earlier. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was 63.1 billion yuan, up 23.4% year on year, with basic earnings per share of 0.521 yuan.According to the international financial reporting standards, the asset-liability ratio at the end of the reporting period is 46.21%, slightly down by 0.33 percentage points compared with the end of last year. Ending cash and cash equivalents of 111.9 billion yuan, cash flow abundant.
    Yes! Hunan Province and Sinopec signed the Framework Agreement on the Relocation, Upgrading, Transition and Development of Caprolactam Industry Chain of Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Company. Yes! Hunan Province and Sinopec signed the Framework Ag...
    The Framework Agreement on Upgrading, Transforming and Development Cooperation is the two sides'decision to implement the environmental protection policy of the Yangtze River and the document spirit of the General Office of the State Council on Promoting the Relocation and Reconstruction of Hazardous Chemicals Manufacturing Enterprises in Urban Densely Populated Areas, deepen strategic cooperation, support the Yueyang Municipal Government in building Dongfeng Lake New Area, enhance urban development grade and competitiveness, and promote Yueyang City. Yangyang petrochemical industry structure transformation, optimization and upgrading, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, promote the integration of enterprises and urban development of major initiatives.
    To build the most beautiful Yangtze River shoreline, Baling Petrochemical is in action! To build the most beautiful Yangtze River shoreline, Ba...
    Wu Zhiyong, representative of the voluntary tree planting activity company and Secretary of the Party Committee, participated in the activity and made a speech. Wu Zhiyong thanked the district government and relevant departments for their strong support for this activity. He said that the company's tree planting activities on the Yangtze River embankment are practical actions to implement Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, promote the construction of ecological civilization, and protect the green water along the Yangtze River. It is also an effective measure to respond to the local Party committee government's efforts to promote green development and beautify the ecological environment along the Yangtze River. It is also an effective measure to fulfill the state-owned enterprise society. Responsibility, a specific action to create a green enterprise. Wu Zhiyong said that the company attaches great importance to greening and environmental protection, organizes various forms of afforestation activities every year, and actively promotes the construction of "beautiful countryside" in Yunxi; the company has invested more than 1 billion yuan in the construction of a series of "blue water and blue sky" projects, and actively promotes the establishment of green enterprises.
    Sinopec Polypropylene Technology Exported to USA Sinopec Polypropylene Technology Exported to USA
    Recently, Sinopec and Taiwan Plastics USA signed a technical licensing contract for "Continuous Pre-Polymerization Technology of Gas-Phase Polypropylene". This technology has become the first polypropylene technology exported by Sinopec to the United States.Over the years, the Beijing Institute of Chemical Industry has made great progress in the development of polyolefin catalyst technology, polymerization process technology and new polyolefin products, relying on the platform of polymer physical analysis and characterization. In the field of polyolefin catalysts, BCE and DQ-HA catalysts with international leading level have been developed, which have been widely used in industry and exported abroad. In the technology of olefin polymerization, gas-phase polypropylene continuous pre-polymerization technology and high temperature gas-phase polypropylene technology have been developed, and have entered the stage of large-scale industrial implementation. In the development of new polyolefin products, high value-added new products, such as G resin, high melt strength polypropylene and high purity polypropylene, have been successfully developed and industrialized.
    Baling Petrochemical Company was commended by Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Company was commended by Sinopec
    From February 25 to 26, Sinopec's 2019 Oil Refining and Chemical Works Conference and Economic Activities Analysis Conference were held in Beijing.Dai Houliang, chairman of the group company, wrote to Sinopec's oil refining and chemical work conference in 2019, demanding that the main line be deepening the structural reform of supply side, making every effort to open up the market, optimize operation, prevent and control risks, deepening reform, strengthening management and innovation drive, all staff work hard, practise strict economy, reduce costs and expenses, steadfastly and comprehensively administer the Party strictly, and vigorously implement the strengthening of enterprises by talents. Cheng.
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    Copyright: Yueyang Baling Huaxing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Address: Room 702.703 Service Hotline, International Trade Bonded Logistics Center, Chenglingji Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Yueyang City, Hunan Province: 136-3730-5966
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